Wednesday, October 14, 2020


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                                    CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER -DETAILS OF HARTHAS CASE

14th September 2020: 
A 19-year-old Dalit girl from the Bulgadhi village in Hathras was gang-raped by four men belonging to ”upper caste”.

15th to 18th September 2020:
The first Harthas case report emerges in Jagran.

19th September to 22nd September:
Allegations of sex crimes emerge.

23 September:
Caste enters into the picture.

24th September to 28th September:
The lull before the storm.
29th September to 30th September:
The death and its aftermath.

October rush:
1st October: ADG told that the FSL report had found no sperm or semen in the samples collected from the victim’s body.

2nd October:
Twist on the case that the accused are Innocent. The mother and the brother murdered the girl.

3rd October:
CBI inquiry ordered.
A  CBI inquiry appears to be the sensible course forward of resolving various aspects of Harthas case and of satisfying the doubts that anyone might have. Especially, the body of the victim did  not handed over to her family?! Why were COPs in the urge to conduct the funeral? 

Many unanswered questions. The world is waiting for the right answer.!

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