Thursday, October 28, 2021

RANI KANNAN:Review:ZT:Survivor:Ep47: Umapathy enjoys punishment! Love br...

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This is my 82nd video. In this video, I reviewed Episode:47 of the Survivor Program in Zee Tamil. Since the Kadargal team lost in the Reward task, the Survivor team has been given a punishment. The team should fix the responsibility on the player who is responsible for the loss. Umapathy took the blame and carried the 10kg sandbag for an hour as a punishment. But he enjoyed the punishment and did it joyfully. On the other hand, the Vedargal team enjoyed the excellent food provided by the Survivor team since they won the Reward Task. Also, they purchased eggs, oil, onion, and tomatoes from the 50 coins they received for having won the rewarding task.

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