Sunday, October 10, 2021

RANI KANNAN:Review:ZT:Survivor:EPI:29:Ishwarya unfit to be a leader! T...

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This is my 47th video. In this video am reviewing Episode:29 of the Survivor program in Zee Tamil. Once again, Ishwarya proved she is selfish and unfit to be a leader of the Vedargal team. The team wanted to eliminate Saran because of his immoral behavior, whereas Ishwarya wanted to send Viji out. The Vedargal team met Arjun in the Tribal Council. Saran got five votes and got eliminated. As per the format of the game, Saran has got one lifeline. When Arjun broke the Silambu, it had golden pearl and Saran got saved. Here is the twist. Arjun asked Saran to nominate someone from the Vedargal group for elimination, and Saran nominated Viji. So Viji got eliminated. And if she agrees, as per the game, she will be sent to 3rd world, where Gayathri and Parvathy are there. When Nanda learned that Ishwarya voted for Viji against the team's decision, he was upset. Nanda thinks that the team members will agree to his words. Moreover, Nanda and Ishwarya have close bonding. Henceforth, Nanda will be more careful with Ishwarya.

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