Thursday, September 20, 2018


The first thing struck in the mind on landing into Srilanka is the cleanliness. The roads, hotels, temples and houses everywhere it is spic and span. The second thing that struck is following the traffic rules.100% perfection in obeying the traffic rules. One cannot see a piece of paper on the road. If there is no dustbin nearby, they put the waste material in their bag or pocket and ensure throwing it only in the dustbins.
Every one is proud of our Shri. M. G. Ramachandran (MGR) whose native place is Sri Lanka. Later on, his family migrated to Kerala. Our group visited the street in which MGR's house was there. MGR is my family's favourite and it was a memorable moment for me, in my life. I love MGR!

People are well aware of what is happening in India with regard to politics. Even our van driver and guide were discussing politics and what is happening in India, in depth.  Surprising!

 I would like to mention one interesting incident happened to me:
Our van was stopped at one place for refreshment. All my friends went to a roadside tea stall whereas I wanted to use the restroom. The tea wallah directed me to a house opposite the tea stall.  Absolutely there was no vehicle on the road except for one scooter coming from the corner of the street. I was trying to cross the road. Immediately our van driver came and held my hand. He got scared actually. He didn't allow me to cross the road, pointing out the scooter coming from the corner of the road. He allowed me to cross the road only after the scooter passed away. Even then he escorted me while crossing the road. He waited for me until I finished my work and again escorted me to cross the road. I and my friends were laughing at seeing the driver. We told him how in Tamil Nadu vehicles are plying from one end to another, not waiting for the pedestrian crossers. But this was the touching moment. It shows how they took care of the public and also how strictly they are following the traffic rules.

The famous temple Kadir Gramam: surprise thing is always one screen is there covering the main God. On the screen, Sivan, Parvathi, Vinayakar and Murgar pictures are painted/printed. Only on auspicious days and on particular time only, the public can see the main God.  In the same campus, Buddha statue is also kept for worship. The premise is well maintained and hats off to the maintenance people.
I wish everyone should at least once in their lifetime given a chance visit Srilanka and I swear you will enjoy the trip. Prior booking with a proper travel agency is mandatory. The checklist is a must before proceeding on tour.  One week is sufficient to cover all the important places at Srilanka.

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