Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Am dedicating this write - up to my parents & my father in law and mother in law:- 

My father Shri. lt.P. Kannan and my mother Smt. lt. K. RamaThilakam.
My father in law Chandrababu and my mother in law Jeyanthi Devi

My Father: -

The only man I love in this world is my father. My father worked as a  Cable Jointer in Chennai Telephones.  With his single income, he brought up his two sons and two daughters.  Just one example to show his love, which I never forget is:- He sold his cycle to get me slippers. I wanted slippers with heels when I was doing my college. That time he didn't have money. So I didn't compel him. Two days later he took me to a shop and got me heels slippers. Later on, I came to know that he sold his old bicycle to get me the slippers I wanted. Till now I am feeling bad for this incident. I love you and miss u Naina.

My Mother:-  

My mother was a housewife. Until I become a mother, I was not very much attached to my mom. I was close to my father only because I always felt my elder brother and my younger sister are very special to my mom. Of course, it is true only. But when I became a mother, I realised how much pain my mom had gone through in bringing me up, gave me a good education because of which I got a good job and good status/position in the society. Credit goes to my mom only for all my success in my life.  Since she was a housewife, even for a single paise she has to depend on my father only. So, she was very particular to give me a good education and prayed to God that I should get placed in a Government job.  With her prayers and efforts I got a job in Public Sector Undertaking(Central) now I am in a very good position ., in group A cadre. My mom only brought my daughter up since my mother in law was no more. Moreover, when I was 40 years old, I suffered from a serious skin disease. Even my family members advised me to quit my job except for my mom. Only my mom gave me confidence and advised me not to quit my job and to proceed on long leave. She even took a promise from me that I should not resign my job at any cost and I should complete my full service.  I was on leave for  4 months as per the advice of the doctor. My mom took care of me like a baby. Literally, she bathed me, dressed me, fed me, etc.,  I regained my strength and joined duty. Am going to retire on 31st January 2019 and fulfilling my mom's dream.  I miss my mom very badly. Even now am feeling that my mom is with me always and whatever thoughts/actions am doing are being guided by my mom only. Am ready to die now and wanted to join with my mother as soon as possible on my retirement that is on 31st  January 2019..

My father in law, Shri. lt. S. Chandra Babu:- 

My father in law worked as an officer in the Reserve Bank of India. I still remember his words when my daughter born. He told Jayanthi (my mother in law) has again re-born, since the baby exactly looks like her grandma. He felt very happy. At the same he also said am worried very much, I don't know how am going to settle my granddaughter. I shall look for the best bridegroom. My daughter was a just one-day-old baby and my father in law was worried about her marriage. That much affection he had on his granddaughter.

My mother in law, Jeyanthi Devi:-

 I have not seen my mother in law. But everyone says she is so kind, friendly with a little bit of anger & stubbornness. My mother in law was a nurse and she was in this profession for more than 30 years. One week before my daughter's birth, I got a dream wherein my mother in law was with me at the time of delivery. She told me you are blessed with a girl baby. Exactly after seven days, I got a girl baby.   This had happened 30 years back. My daughter 's features are similar to my mother in law and with the same characteristics.  My daughter: God's gift to me.

I love only two things in my life. First My job and secondly my daughter. My daughter got settled in her life. She got married and blessed with a son. Now my life and my world is only my grand son. He is in the USA and I am in India. But 24x7 my heart & my mind is thinking of him only. My prayers and blessings are always for him only. 

  My daughter is living happily with her husband and son in the USA. She always considered me as a use & throw an object. Her job with me is over now and  my daughter feels am overburden, liability and an unnecessary extra fitting for her.  Am going to retire during January 2019. I wanted to die immediately on my retirement and to join with my parents and in-laws.   GOD, please help me.

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