Friday, October 5, 2018


Before starting the Bigg Boss season 2 programme, VTV released a promo wherein it was mentioned that the theme for BIGG BOSS - SEASON 2 is   "NALLAVAR YAR KETTAVAR YAR". Whereas in the finale VTV/BB/ KH sir forgot/skipped to point out Nallavar yar and Kettavar yar for the reasons known to them or they might have left it to the choice of the public. As a result,  this write-up:

Am rating the HMs in terms of percentage. Those who got more than 60% are deemed to be Nallavar and those who got below 25% are deemed to be Kettavar. Also, another category is there that is neutral. Those who got 50% are deemed to be neutral.

This write - up is purely based on the Episodes telecasted under Bigg boss - season 2 programme. Nallavar & Kettavar selection also only based on the BB2. In real life, the qualities may be different, only the closies of HMs will be knowing it. Me as a viewer/public on seeing the BB season 2 presenting this write - up.

However since Rithvika is the winner of BB season 2 and Aishwarya Dutta is the runner of BB season 2 first I will differentiate with these two, who is Nallavar and who is kettavar. Then will give a small note with regard to other HMs.

The basic qualities required for BB show as per the programmer are  " patience and adjustable". Rithvika has got both the qualities. Further, Rithvika had lots of great qualities to win like followed the rules, expressing her views / behaving with fellow HMs  in a decent way, understanding  fellow HMs, not getting hyper, thinking deep before talking about anything, Honesty, Straightforwardness, having good IQ and also EQ (emotional quotient) etc... she would have won even if she is not Tamil.. so saying that she won because she used the Tamil girl card is unfair..In fact, Rithvika didn't mean that only Tamil ponnu shall win the title. She wanted tamil ponnu as one of the finalists among four. It is her wish and opinion and nothing wrong in it. Some group made it a big issue unnecessarily. 

Of course, some drawbacks are there with Rithvika such as not opening fully when there was any dispute in the BBH. Even if she is not involved in the issue it's her responsibility being one of the HMs to raise her voice for the right. Secondly not able to take part in the tasks vigorously like Yashika &  Viji, maybe she is not physically that strong when compared to them. 
No one is a hundred per cent perfect. So when compared to her good qualities especially when she is having the qualities that are required for the Bigg Boss,  we can definitely call Rithvika as a Nallavar of Bigg Boss season2. And the public liked her qualities in spite of her few drawbacks and supported her fully and selected her as a Nallavar of Bigg Boss Season2. My score for Rithvika is 75%. 
So Rithvika is the Winner and Nallavar of BB2. 

People will not support the one with the character like no patience and not adjusting. These two are mainly required for BB programme and the same was not found with Aishwarya Dutta even one per cent. She has got only zero per cent tolerance, short-tempered, hyper, poor in understanding with fellow HMs, not followed the rules, disrespectful, cunning, dis-honesty, ready to go to any extent for self and above all a great lier.

Her great lie was about her mom that she is no more and her mom will blackmail her if she fails to send money on time! Really when she has no mom as per her version where is the question of her mom blackmailing her for the money? Undigestable and unimaginable! 

Another prominent lie was Aishwarya and Yashika's comments in Hindi that Ponnambalam should be hanged upside down. For having spoken in Hindi, the siren sound came and they didn't come forward that they two only spoke in Hindi. Other HMs were surprised who has spoken in English/Hindi but the two didn't open their mouth and were giggling. Without knowing what had happened poor male contestants dipped into the swimming pool as a punishment, for someone not spoken in Tamil. They both even denied it afterwards that they didn't pass comments on Ponnambalam. In addition to above Aishwarya Dutta not at all followed the rules like speaking in Hindi/English instead of Tamil, after speaking also not accepting the punishment and simply make the other HMs as a scapegoat to dip into the swimming pool, not doing cleaning/vessel washing work, one way traffic during the task time, that is when Aishwarya Dutta showed her atrocities like pouring karakulambu on  Rithvika's head, spraying volini on viji's face, cheating Sendrayan in hair colouring task and unnecessarily push sand towers,  she will say it is a task when others do, she will say it is a physical violence and purposefully doing it.  She will also start crying and create a big scene/issue.  

It is pertinent to mention here that every human has at least one or two or three negative characters of the above but it is shocking to see that all the negative characters are with one person. Hence, my score for Aishwarya Dutta is 25% and she is the kettavar as far as this Bigg Boss season2 is concerned.

People also like a person with few negative qualities because they see themselves in that character. But in Aishwarya Dutta case she has got many negativities which cannot be digestible, in spite of which she came runner-up. The main reason may be manipulation of votes and bought the votes as reported in the online news. How far it is true only God knows! But it is the fact Vijay TV declared her as a runner-up and one should accept it. As Rithvika pointed out once, because of kettavar/Villain Aishwary Dutta, Rithvika got fame and was identified by the public as Heroine/Nallavar of the BB2, which is the fact. I reiterate here that one of the HMs that too who has become the winner of the Bigg boss season2, Rithvika herself has declared Aishwarya Dutta as a villain of BB2.

At the same time, Aishwarya Dutta has got the pleasant look & smiling face. When she is normal her expressions are very cute. Her acting capacity is superb. The way she acted in the Hitler task is unforgettable. Also, her performance as Annan is outstanding. She is also a very good dancer.  

"Eppadidan vazavendum Rithu. Eppadi vendum endralum vazalam Aishu". 


Sendrayan comes under Nallavar category. He scored 70%. But the problem is "one could be simple but not stupid". HMs, including his closies Danny and Balaji, made use of him, backbite about him, treated him low in front of other HMs, all because of his stupidity. He failed to understand the tasks and even not keen to understand it. It was one of the main drawbacks for Sendrayan. At the same time, he proved he is hygiene and best cook and gave a nice nose cut to HMs especially to Mumtaz.

Ramaya NSK also comes under Nallavar category. She is also honest and straightforwardness. But she is very unlucky. Unfortunately, BB included her name in the eviction list directly as she has not participated in the Makkal task and stopped playing in the middle when she was the captain of the BBH.  Being the captain, what she did was wrong only but the punishment given by the BB was high. Within a short period, she scored 60%.

 Yashika , Mahat , Shariq and Danny  scored below 25% and comes under Kettavar category. They are dangerous. They think very highly of them. Overconfidence, over smartness and proud also.

Yashika though good in the task, she is cunning, back biting , cheated and lied in the case of Ponnambalam and colouring hair for Sendrayan,  joining her hands with Aishwarya. Decency/ distance not maintained with Mahat.

Mahat very bad and indecent behaviour in two different ways with Yashika and Mumtaz. Moreover, he takes apologise after committing a blunder. Knowingly if you commit mistake it cannot be excused. Unknowing mistakes only can be excused. What Mahat did to Mumtaz cannot be excused.

Shariq is not genuine. Indecent behaviour with Aishwarya and showing disparity very openly with other HMs.  He treated Sendrayan very cheaply. 

Danny cunning to the core, lied at many places,  back bitting even about his friend Sendrayan and not sportive during the task.

Mumtaz, Janani, Vaishnavi, Balaji, Nithya, Ponnambalam, Mamati and  Anantha Vaidyanathan and Vijayalakshmi are neutral. They scored 50%. Few things they are good and in a few things they are bad. No one is perfect only degree varies. But they are not dangerous and tolerable.

Mumtaz: in the name of health grounds she avoided not only the tasks but also reluctant to do the cleaning work which is not fair. She also treated Sendrayan very low initially due to his appearance and low profile which is the very bad attitude. Later on, she changed herself. At the same time, she stood by the HMs when they were in need of any kind of help.

Janani: Visha Bottle is the perfect name for her. She proved it in many places. At the same time, she is not dangerous and well behaved. 

Vaishnavi: The main drawback, she is very irritating. But she is harmless.

Balaji: His bad mouth is intolerable. He is also backbiting and not showing any involvement in the tasks. He backbit his closie Sendrayan many times in spite of taking help from him. He was also short tempered but he gradually controlled himself. However, he kept the BBH lively and not as dangerous as Danny.

Nithya: Being commoner she could have played well inside the BBH. She was also well behaved at the same time she is dominative and arrogant sometimes.

Ponnambalam: He is decent but when he gets irritated or angry used foul language in front of ladies.  His health condition not allowed him to perform the task effectively. Even after knowing the comments passed by Yashika and Aishwarya in Hindi he didn't react which was good.

Mamati: Mamati was inside the BBH very few days only. She is friendly with all HMs but her Tamil and her singing were intolerable.  It appears she has got superiority complex. 

Anantha Vaidyanathan: He is also friendly with all HMs but was inside the BBH for very few days. Due to his age, he could not perform tasks. Sometimes he takes things lightly and jovially and sometimes very seriously. It's difficult to predict his mood.

Last but not least Viji wild card entry. Everyone was blaming her she is a wildcard entry and she should not be in the finals.  It is not her fault. The format of the game is like that. Within a short period, she proved herself in the tasks. She dances and dresses well also. Actually, Janani and Rithvika were scared to raise their voice because Mumtaz, Aishwarya and Yashika were dominating. Only on the entry of Viji, Rithvika and Janani opened their mouth and spoke boldly to some extent.  However, viji's voice/tone is irritating. Sometimes she is rude. She didn't know how to talk with fellow HMs. Sometimes she is very konjifying also and it is very irritating.

This is my review about Nallavar yar, Kettavar Yar in Bigg Boss season2.

Next Friday will release the write- up about Bigg Boss. He is the main boss who indirectly /directly controlled all the HMs. The characters revealed and what we have seen are mainly based on the orders of BB. The travel of the HMs inside the BBH was mainly based on BB only. The situation changes according to BB only. Next week the analysis will be on the good and the bad side of BB2.

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