Friday, November 29, 2019

Hi Friends, below are the tips given by the Child Specialist, Sunnyvale , USA regarding child care of babies. I thought it would be very useful to the parents and grandparents as well. I , maximum followed Doctor’s tips, 100% not though!

1.   5,2,1,0 are most important.!

     5 kinds on veggies and fruits per day to be prepared / given 

     2 hours or less than two hours screen time

     1 hour out door /park play time per day

     0 Sugar and sweet breweries. Don’t give sugar even a bit. 0% sugar in milk, juice whatever.      And no sweet items at all. Sugar makes babies hypertension.

1(a) Doctor’s  suggestion to remove flume from the nose:
Following is the instrument used for removing flume from the babies nose, saline water and the sucking tube.
Put two, three drops of saline water in the babies nose , so that the dry flume will get soft .
Put the thin side of the tube into your mouth and the other side of the ttube which is fixed with the bigger side with extra fitting into the baby’s nose and suck . The soft/melted flume will collected into the tube.  
Ofcourse, babies will cry but what to do.!?

2. Twice in a week head bath. Morning immediately on wake up sponge bath or wipe with baby wipes. Similarly during the bed time also.

3. Before bathing every day, massage the babies with branded oil as suggested by the Doctor. In USA bathing of baby is being done at bath tub which I too found very easy and comfortable for elders and babies as well.

4.A) No television at the time of taking food. Children should sit in the chair meant for them and take food. Basically they should sit at one place and concentrate on eating. No diversion such as TV, mobile etc.,

4.B) TV if at all you wanted to show to your children may pl be restricted to half an hour to one hour per day, but not more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. That 4 to 6 times per day in regular intervals, not continuously.

5. While giving practice for walking, let babies walk on barefoot. No shoes / socks required.

6. Daily take babies to park or open space. Pure , outside air is very important. Greenary place like park, helps to develop their brains.

7. Teach children to colour or scribble something on the paper or blackboard. This will help them to improve their imagination and identifying the colours.

8. Allow the babies to play with scoop/ spoons. It will help babies to get to know how to use their hands effectively. Similarly children should get exposure to playing with the blocks which helps them not only to use their figures effectively but also give strength to hands and figures. 

9.Doctors advise teaching swimming to children  from their age of 6 months. It helps to get rid of their fear and strengthen their muscles.

10. We should be ep them happy and make them laugh. Laughing therapy is very useful for the children which helps them to think positively and healthy.

11. If babies do something good which is appreciable  , even it’s very small  thing it doesn’t matter, encourage them by saying “good job” and clap.In turn they will also clap and show their happiness for having appreciated.

Let the kids enjoy their life and we grandparents (am a grandma) too enjoy with our grand children.
Let our grand children have happy and healthy life. God Bless!

Posted few pics of my grandson, considering him as a model to this write up and which also includes  we follow the advice of the doctor to some extent.

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