Friday, July 24, 2020


                                                                 SAVE CHILDREN

Recently Ms. Vanitha Vijayakumar family matter is circulating/occupying you tube channels mainly because of her family conspiracy. Few channels such as Brhind hoods, India glitz for business purpose took this issue in hand . You tube channel includes Vanitha Vijayakumar’s own channel where she is posting /exposing her personal life is  just for money n money, doing this Negative Publicity.

Public see these you tube channels just for gossiping and  now gradually her issue turned into shit. Now BehindWood  said  that they wanted to set rite the Vanitha’s issue and so interfered.  Since Vanitha spoke ill about Lakshmi Ramakrishnan n others and used unparliamentary words,  Behindwood  channel put full stop for her issue.

My question is Vanitha Vijayakumar is having her own channel and uploading all about her persSonal issues including hugging n kissing,  Why the other channels are bothered? Just for money and on the whole negative publicity whoever involved in the issue.

                                                 MONEY MAKES MANY THINGS.

The best joke about Vanith Vijaykumar.s issue is , there is one You Tube Chanel namely DVI(Dei Vekama Illai) , famous for trolling. They trolled Vanitha’s matter to the core but Vanitha herself appeared and canvassing for the channels.

Money! Money! Money!

I don’t want to go deep into it because for sure every one knows what is what. Further, I don’t want to commit the same mistake what few you tube channels /persons like Surya Devi, Kasturi, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan and Ravinder are doing.

Latest news : Surya Devi Got arrested against Vanitha’s compliant and released also. Her children were left alone one night when SuryaDevi was behind the bar. She was arrested for abusing  Vanitha. Similarly, Vanitha also used filthy language against Kasthuri, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan and Ravinder and against some few celebrities. Remember one thing Vanitha , if some one give compliant against you,  Surya Devi’s status only for u too. Behind the bar. And your two daughters will be left alone.

All of you please Think of your children , please stop this bull shit.

Remaining 45% shall be the men. So no one is perfect. Only percentage counts. Some may be 75% perfect some may 5% perfect. But no one is 100% perfect for sure.

Some women/men gets divorce , some for their children sake just live under one shelter but will not be in good terms. It’s all depends on their mentality and family circumstances.
Am giving few paper clippings only with regard to Tamil Nadu. if  we take full India , one will get giddiness.


Like Vanitha’s issue , so many similar issues are happening from bottom level class to middle class to upper level class. Few comes out and few not. Even those  issues which came on limelight will be for few days , may be even for a day or two because the persons involved in the issue wont make it so public. It’s their personal issue .

I just would like to insist here is please , one second  think of your children. How much they would mentally affected on seeing their negative side of family news in You Tube channels or in any kind of  news . How their; friends , relatives and other public will look at them how they would feel.

My doubt is why such an immoral persons give birth to children and make chlildren’s life miserable?
So far we heard about Save Nature, Save Life.

But now I request all “Please Save Our Children. “

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