Friday, July 31, 2020

                                                       AWARENESS ON POST COVID-19

The incident happened at our apartment, Flat No.141 & 142, J.D.SHANTHINIKETAN FLATS, WEST K K NAGAR, CHENNAI:600078, forced me to post this in my Blogger page.

One, Mr. Radha Amma is working in our flat. Her prime work is cleaning the common place such as surroundings/vacant place, staircase, lift, etc.
Whereas, Mrs. Radha Amma tested for COVID—19 positive during mid of June 2020. Accordingly, she  informed the flat Association. On recovery from COVID-19 she came to our flat for joining work.

To her surprise rather shock, the security did not allow her inside the flat and told that he was asked not to allow her inside the premises. Moreover, the Association deployed a new person for the cleaning works.

This incident was brought to the knowledge of the DCP, T Nagar, wherein he met the Association President, Secretary and the Treasurer and convinced them. Since Radha Amma has recovered from the COVID-19 , he recommended for her reinstating. The article to this effect published in the Times of India. The DCP Adyar also tweeted about this on his Twitter page.

The funniest  part in this was no resident in the flat knew  the  exact purpose of the DCP, T Nagar ‘s  entry into the flat. The residents were misinformed about the reason of the visit of the DCP, T Nagar by the key members of the Association. Only on seeing the Times of India article and the tweets of DCP, Adyar the resident came to know about the reason for the visit of the DCP, T Nagar!

 At present am in USA, with my daughter  I sought about the latest status of Radha Amma in our flat Wats app group. But I did not get any reply from anyone.

Then on my personal enquiry, I learnt that Radha Amma has still not been reinstated and no financial support also extended to her. So I thought its my duty to update the status to the DCP, Adayar  and posted a tweet.

The survey says as on date , 16 lakhs people got affected and 10,57,805 people recovered from COVID-19 in India.  In Tamil Nadu 2,39,978 people got affected and 1,78,178 people recovered from COVID-19.

The recovered 1,78,178 people may be from Governmnt  or from Private or Business or the  daily workers . Imagine if these recovered people were not taken into their job, what will be their future ?
And how Government/private /any organisation in the the matter will run with a short falling?!

In the instant case, that is at the JD SHANTHINIKETAN flat Radha Amma was not reinstated for cleaning work since she got affected/recovered from COVID-19.  Mere fears  only.

This is only known example. Similarly, many such incidents are occurring throughout India. People are suffering a lot especially daily rated people are suffering even for their livelihood.

In case if it is an other way round, any one of the resident got affected and recovered from COVID-19 living in the flat and security, cleaning workers, electricians, plumber and any other workers refuse to enter into that flat what will happen?

Public should  be aware of the post COVID-19  guidelines and they should be educated suitably.

CDC guidelines post COVID-19 is given below for reference of every one. We should not lose humanity.

I would like to share a small story with my friends:

Our COVID-19 story

Our nanny lives in an area which had a sprouting of corona case end of May which made me wonder if we should stop her from coming. One day she called to say she aint keeping well and I told her to stay away but alas she had already gotten infected and transmitted the infection to my 1 yr old.

The 1 yr old had 3 days of sporadic low degree fever , cough .. it was manageable with crocin/meftal / nebulisation of levolin. On 4th day the elder one got a fever and bouts of breathlessness.. we managed this again with crocin and nebulisation.In both cases our pediatrician asked us to visit her only if fever persists for more than 3 days and thankfully it didn't.

Next I caught it from the girls - fever, cough, weakness , burning of eyes, feeling giddy  but now with no nanny and husband working I was to still take care of the babies while managing my symptoms. With OTC medicines and some rest  I sailed on.

Last to get infected  and worst of us all was the husband whose fever refused to go for 7 days.. after Day 3 we consulted a doctor who ruled it as a flu however the fever just won't go. So on day 7 , the doctor wrote him a prescription and he tested coronovirus positive .

Then customarily we all got tested and all of us tested positive however now none of us barring him had any symptoms.

After 3 days of Azee, Limcee and Zincovit my husband's fever went away , he got back his sense of smell and taste and started eating again. Today we are on Day 23 of the onset of his Symptoms.

My takeaway

1) We all will get this infection at some stage but if you are not someone with co-morbidities there is no need to believe it can be fatal. No disease is ok but in course of our lives we will have had many a such impediments which while inconvenient were manageable. COVID is just like Jaundice, Malaria , Dengue , chicken pox or such other diseases that don't get reported on prime time everyday.

2) Once you get the disease you will recover in due course of time and overcome the fear of getting it.. A known enemy I refer to it now. But there is no point in stopping life for fear of getting the disease if fear becomes bigger than the disease itself then we have just acted foolishly .

3) No hydroxycholoroquine, remdesvar or other medicines were given to us.. so don't self administer. We all had Vit C and Zincovit which help increase immunity to let the body fight on its own.

4) The most important thing is positive thoughts , energy  and approach.. we all were joking , making fun of each other and living with what has fallen upon us with soups, lime juices , glucon D , steam sessions ..  Each one took care of the other .

We are fine.. but more importantly I just wanna say don't be scared you will be fine..

Stay Safe. Take care. No fear.

Thank you.

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