Saturday, June 27, 2020


On hearing many cases from celebrity to normal person, who went under depression during this lock down period, I was compelled to post this post. 

Best Example Lt. Sushanth Rajput, Bollywood actor.

Yes, many of us knew about Sushanth Rajput case.  I don’t want to repeat the same.

2.  Sathankulam father and son case, which every one knew and its pending with Madurai High Court. I don’t want to go deep into it. But, the court has requested Tamil Nadu Govt to give counselling and arrange to teach yoga to the police personnel.

Whatever the reason , depression or work pressure , police has got no right to torture any one which has resulted in the death. It’s actually a murder . If some normal person beat someone to death , the same police will charge him under murder. Same goes for police also. Their duty is to file the case and not to show their atrocity.

3. Similarly, at ThenKasi an auto man was beaten to death by the police.  Is it all happening due to depression of police during this lockdown period?

 But all the police personnel are not bad. I have completed 37 years of service and i had liaison and interaction with police officials .All are very good. I didn’t  come across any bitter experience.

Even now during this lockdown period, many police  officials are working day and night , rendering very good service. But everything went vain because of this Sathankulam case.

4. Recently, At Madurai , husband and wife , under depression, committed suicide . The depression was caused by their three sons. One son is living in the same city Madurai, one is in Kovan and the third one is in Arabcountry. But no one is bothered to take care of their aged parents and they forced to commit suicide due to poverty & loneliness.

I too went under depression during 2004-05 , which I would like to share With my friends here.
I had a serious health problem. Enzyme got allergic to my skin n started coming out resulted in big boils through out  my body. I took treatment in Appollo, Greams Road. Dr. Cornell Rajagopal , skin specialist treated me. He told it's a very rare disease. He said he could give a guarantee for my life but said I would become very fat and my skin color will turn into a pitch dark. He has also added that a high dosage of steroids will be given to regulate the organs. On the whole, he told me I would look like an alien. In fact, Dr. Col. Rajagopal, with my consent took pictures of the boils for hospital research. Few pictures were displayed on the walls also. It was such a rare disease. 

Late Dr. Thambaiah, famous skin specialist only recommended me to go to Apollo hospital. After diagnosed me, Late Dr. Thambaiah stopped seeing looking after the other patients for two minutes. Then he started calling the patients. Then I knew the seriousness of the disease. 

Yes,  I was really looked like an alien. Believe me, am not exaggerating. Even my friends / colleagues found it difficult to identify me. I myself felt bad to see me in the mirror and my pics taken during that time. I suffered for about five years to become normal. My mother stood with me and cared me like a baby. she bathed me, fed me . I used to wear only thin clothes/house coat because boils were there through out my body. Even now also black markings are there through out my body.  I was under depression and it took me one month to recover from the depression and mainly because of my mother I was out from my depression. My relatives, friends  did prayers for me. My best friend is a Christian. She along with her family , daily were doing special prayers for mr. My friend didn’t tell me this. Only her mother told me this.

was on six months leave. And had my mother been not with me surely I would have gone nothing.She even took promise from me that I should not quit my job at any cost. I recently retired during January 2019 but unfortunately my mother passed away during 2009. My status and position everything is because of my mother only.

The major point what doctor told is this allergy will be inside my body till my death. I should avoid going in the hot sun, expose to tube light and should not get tensed & over strain. The symptom of this allergy is getting itching and rashes on my body. Moreover, I should not get fever. If I get fever, at once I will develop rashes whole my body. Immediately I will take a tablet. So I have to spend my rest of the life like this only.

But am happy because right now am at USA, Sunnyvale looking after my grand son. After my retirement, my six months stay is at Chennai, India and six months at USA, Sunnyvale. Even during this lock down also I have no breathing time. Am enjoying my life with my grand son. After a few months I will be back to India. And I will be waiting for my next trip to USA to see and spend time with my grand son. That’s how my rest of the life will move I think with the blessings of my parents and God. 

So, the remedy is to share our problems with some one, let it be blood relation / relatives/friends whoever, but who is showing real concern. We should not be closed. Definitely God will you show you the way. All matter of time only. Be patient, have faith , go for counselling, do yoga and last but not least now a days you can reach your closies  online easily. Message them, mail them talk to them.

My prayers to everyone. We all can easily overcome this lockdown. And those who are in the public service job they should be even more careful to avoid happening of untoward incidents.

All the very best! God Bless you all!

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