Friday, July 3, 2020

                                                          COVID -19 Safety Measures

Everyone surely has gone through the safety measures with regard to COVID-19 and I hope everyone is following for our own safety, of course. 

Am not going to detailing on the safety measures to be taken, because each of us know about it  and its every one’s responsibility to follow the same to safeguard ourselves. I just posted few pictures here which are self-explanatory:

I proudly posting my daughter’s answer for the question published in the Wall Street Journal, regarding opening of public places amid pandemic:

At present am staying at my daughter’s place in Sunnyvale, USA. Here schools already Re-opened . 
I have posted here the few pictures , displayed at Montessori school Premises.

Pictures displayed at the park. Park is not yet opened  The play areas are sealed with yellow ribbon. However, the internal roads are opened and public are allowed for walking, running cycling , etc.,
The boards displayed at different places inside the park and at the entrances of the park as well are shown here:

What surprises me is President Trump never uses mask and moreover most of the public participating in the rally are also not using mask. My humble request is, if President Trump uses mask and advice public to use the mask , without fail , surely people will listen to his words.

At the age of 70 plus , the strength and confidence of President Trump is really surprising!

Thank you all,

Take care, Stay Safe.

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