Wednesday, June 30, 2021


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Plot: Sri Lankan Government and Tamil politicians agree that Tamil is the official language in North and East, where Tamilians are the majority. But the Sinhala Buddist was not happy with this and killed Prime Minister Bandaranaike. Sinhalese mobs attack minority Tamils. Selvarangam, a Gandhian leader, continues his protests in his own way of Sathyagraha.   

Tamils asked for permission to organize a Tamil Seminar in Jaffna. Despite the denial of consent, Tamils organized the seminar; wherein nine Tamils were killed at the workshop due to an attack by the police force.

Prabhakaran believes in the tit for tat concept and joins groups that believed in solid protests. Srilankan Government passes a bill that stops Tamils from getting Higher Education. Tamil students protested and hence tortured and killed by the police force. How Prabhakaran takes revenge is the climax. 

The foremost point in this movie is the reality. There was no compromisation in the film on the truth, which is welcoming. Those who have no basic idea about Prabhakaran would come to know the facts. The surprising fact is that the movie Methagu reveals the truth of both sides, from Singalese and also from the Illam Tamilians side. This got an appreciation from the audience. 

The movie is a low-budget one. Hence, the crew wisely used the Therukoothu concept and narrated the story of Prabhakaran from his birth. An Audience could easily be connected to the movie—no diversity in the story. The editing was simply superb. Hats off to the editor. Storytelling was done neatly. The music was classy. No doubt in it.  

Prabhakaran's character was built up very naturally. No heroism. 

At the same time, few negative points were also noticed, such as no lip-sync. All the actors and actresses are new faces. There is nothing wrong with it. Since everyone was unknown in the movie, the lack of minimum technical knowledge required was prominently visible. 

However, I recommend seeing this movie since everyone shall know what had happened in reality. This movie covered only a part of Prabhakaran's life. Waiting for part II.

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